Foam-Control Geofoam Vegetative Roofs
A lightweight, easy to install insulation and fill material for Vegetative Roofs.
Foam-Control Geofoam is a cost-effective, durable, time-saving, and lightweight insulation and fills solution for vegetative roof designs. Vegetative roofs add weight for soil/growing medium, planters, pavers, plantings, etc. on the structural roof deck. Foam-Control Geofoam reduces weight resulting in a more economical structural roof deck and provides insulation that results in energy savings.
- Super lightweight compared to other fills
- Allows for mixing intensive and extensive designs
- Easy fabrication for landscaping contours
- Provides insulation performance
- No CFC, HCFC, HFC, or formaldehyde and is 100% recyclable
Effective structural and thermal design is among the highest priorities in vegetative roof design. Foam-Control Geofoam is available in a range of strengths and R-values necessary to provide the most cost-effective structural and thermal design solutions for vegetative roofs.